Civic & Non-Profit

VFW Post 1653 – Granville

9 North St., Granville, NY 12832
(518) 642-1599

VFW Post 5802 – Mineville

70 Raymond Wright Ave., Mineville, NY 12956
(518) 942-7514

Department of Veterans Affairs

7426 State Rt. 9N, Westport, NY 12993
(518) 626-5236

Fort Ticonderoga VFW Post #146

P.O. Box 428, Ticonderoga, NY 12883
(518) 586-4025

Essex County Advocate Programs

7573 Ct. St. Suite 204, Elizabethtown, NY 12932
(518) 873-9281

Elks Lodge – Crown Point

2705 Main St., Crown Point , NY 12928
(518) 597-4664

Essex County Chapter NYSARC

Mineville, NY 12956
(518) 942-5242

Pride of America

111 Montcalm St., Ticonderoga, NY 12883
(518) 585-6366

The Hayes House of Hope

7187 State Rt. 149, Granville, NY 12832
(518) 642-0538

Cornell Cooperative Extension

3 Sisco St., Westport, NY 12993
(518) 962-4810

Crown Point Relay for Life “American Cancer Society”

79 The Portage, Ticonderooga, NY 12883
(518) 586-6912

Camp Dudley-YMCA

126 Dudley Rd., Westport , NY 12993
(518) 962-4720

American Legion – Whitehall

148 Main St., Whitehall, NY 12887
(518) 499-2482

Housing Assistance Program

103 Hand Ave., Elizabethtown, NY 12932
(518) 873-6888

American Legion – Westport

6669 Main St., Westport, NY 12993
(518) 824-5225

Essex County Nutrition Program

7551 U.S. Rt. 9, Elizabethtown , NY 12932
(518) 873-6457

American Legion – Elizabethtown

P.O. Box 476, Elizabethtown, NY 12932
(862) 824-5225

Adirondack Community Actions Programs

7572 Court St. #2, Elizabethtown, NY 12932
(518) 873-3207